selling under PASSAGE OF MUSKET BULLETS THROUGH THE HU- London quack. For a snugger fit you may need to remove a small amount of material from your post either by sanding or grinding with an angle head grinder and a rough grit of sand paper (60) grit. It generally seizes the proprietors of linen drapers ' shops, and, like the. These musket caps are non-mercuric, non-corrosive, and reliable. Of the current production 4 wing, RWS and Schuetzen are the best. Now CCI makes the worst caps on the market. The 6 wing were the old CCI that were great, that is until a REENACTOR sued CCI when a chunk of cap hit him. The charge is optimized for replica muskets used in reenactments. GregLaRoche said: I’ve found that four winged caps are less powerful than six winged caps. Take the widest diameter across the top of your deck or dock post, caps are made in 1/4" increments, if your measurement falls in between sizes, it is up to you if you want to round up or down on the quarter inch. Product Details CCI® Four-Wing Musket Caps are designed for original and replica muskets and rifles that require large, winged caps. Any long gun with a cap-lock mechanism and rifled barrel is a percussion rifle. To Measure for Post Caps, be sure to measure all your log posts to achieve a nice fit. Any firearm using a caplock mechanism is a percussion gun. Even with the HAZMAT fee, shipped to your home they are as cheap as what some retailers charge you for musket caps sold in their stores.

The sooner you can get copper post caps on your log posts the better. Back Creek Gun Shop in Virginia sells Dynamite Nobel Musket Caps for 73.00 per Thousand. We offer a range of post caps to protect your posts against rot jack wraps to protect the base of your posts railing wraps to complete and protect your railings roof vents which beautifully enclose your vents and copper kickplates to add finish and protection to your doors.Īll copper products are offered in natural copper and, over time, will develop a beautiful antique finish which will blend in with your log home decor. Copper Post Caps - Preserve the value of your log home with the finishing touch: elegant crafted copper that adds beauty while preserving your investment in your home.